Yew Chee Leung

BG Yew Chee Leung
Deputy Secretary (Technology)
BG Yew Chee Leung is concurrently the Deputy Secretary (Technology) and Future Systems and Technology Architect of the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF). As Deputy Secretary (Technology), he is responsible for the development of MINDEF/SAF technological development strategies, as well as the formulation of acquisition, procurement and logistics policies. He also drives the development of cyber defence capabilities for MINDEF/SAF.
As the Future Systems and Technology Architect, he is the custodian of MINDEF’s R&D and experimentation portfolio. He leads the MINDEF R&D master planning and investments to develop strong and sustained indigenous capability to provide the SAF with the strategic edge.
BG Yew joined the Republic of Singapore Army in Jan 1995, and was awarded the Singapore Army Forces (SAF) Merit Scholarship to attend the United States Military Academy at West Point. In 2000, he graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. Thereafter, BG Yew received the Rhodes scholarship to further his studies at Oxford University where he graduated with a Master of Arts in Politics and Economics in 2002. In 2013, he received the SAF Overseas Postgraduate Scholarship where he graduated with a Master of Science under the Sloan Fellows Program at Stanford University.
BG Yew has served various key appointments in MINDEF and the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF): Chief Armour Officer and Commander 25th Singapore Division; Director Military Security; MINDEF Group Chief of Policy and Strategy; Assistant Chief of General Staff (Personnel); Army Attaché in Jakarta. He was appointed Executive Chairman of National Day Parade 2019 and organized the National Day Parade at the Padang and to the Heartlands, as part of Singapore’s Bicentennial commemoration. For his contributions over the years, BG Yew was awarded the Public Administration Medal (Bronze) (Military) in 2015, and the Public Administration Medal (Silver) in 2021 by the President of the Republic of Singapore.